For good health, drinking water quality, metabolic efficiency, Avidress Plus contains short-chain acid-chain compounds that reduce the pH level in drinking water by adding only a small amount of it, thus reducing the risk of infection and bacteria transmission and reproduction through the water. It also contains various minerals and trace elements, as well as marjoram and cinnamon.


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Avidress Plus

Avidress Plus contains short-chain acid compounds that reduce the level of pH in drinking water by adding only a small amount of it, thus reducing the risk of infection and bacterial transmission and reproduction through the water. It also contains various minerals and trace elements, as well as marjoram and cinnamon. The mixture of herbs and acidic elements positively affects the important metabolism of pigeons and thus signs of health and fitness are evident on birds.

How to use:

At the time of rest, mulching and spawning daily, 10 ml per two liters of water.

Its use at the time of using curative drugs is after consulting the veterinarian.

The dose at the place of measurement on top of the vial is 10 ml.

Avidress Plus can be served in a single bottle with Carni-Speed, Hexenbier, UsneGano and Entrobac.

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