أحماض أمينية فيتامين -ب- B إلكتروليتات الوصف بيتي-أمين فورت Bt-Amin forte يعتبر من المنتوجات الأحدث لدى رونفريد وفي عالم الحمام الزاجل. يحتوي على أحماض أمينية خاصة سهلة الإمتصاص (نوع خاص قصير السلسلة) وإلكتروليتات وفيتامين -ب- B- بتركيبة معينة. توفر هذه الأحماض الأمينية (البروتينات) يجعل الحمام يسترجع لياقته بسرعة ويزيل حالة الضغط والإرهاق الجسدي والنفسي أثناء فترة العلاج بالأدوية والمضادات وخلال فترة السباق والإجهاد. وجود فيتامين -ب- B- بهذا التركيز العالي يرفع من مستوى تكوين الكريات الحمراء الدموية ويقوي الجهاز العصبي عند الحمام، مما يجعله من الأساسيات خلال فترة السباق. يحتوي كذلك على: Niacinamid, D-Panthenol, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Biotin, Folate, Inosit, Cholinchlorid, L-Carnitin, Protein: DL Methionin, L-Tryptophan, L-Threonin, L-Lysin, L-Threonin طريقة الاستعمال: 15 ميليتر 20 حمامة في اليوم. اثناء فترات العلاج: يوميا. خلال فترة السباق: عند رجوع الحمام يعطى في الشرابة الثانية. خلال فترة القلش: 3 مرات في الأسبوع. يجب الحافظ عليه في مكان درجة حرارته أقل من 25° درجة مئوية
الان ولاول مرة في العراق منتج vitalotop من شركة رونفريد الالمانية متوفر في مشتل محمد فيصل فيتالو توبvitalotop * يعزز الهضم * يقوي الجهاز المناعي * يحتوي على مستخلص الفلفل الحار يمكن دمج VitaloTop على النحو الأمثل مع Avitestin أو Entrobac أو Bt-Amin Röhnfried VitaloTop عبارة عن مزيج محسّن من المستخلصات النباتية (3،5٪) استنادًا إلى مستخلص التين والفلفل الحار ، والمعد خصيصًا للتعويض عن أعراض نقص التغذية في الحمام. توفر مقتطفات الدوز وإكليل الجبل الإضافية الفوائد المعروفة من خلال عدم قدرة الحمام على تذوق الفلفل الحار ، فإننا نستفيد من فوائده في VitaloTop. وتشمل هذه تعزيز الانزيمات الهضمية واستعادة التوازن الطبيعي للنباتات المعوية. لذلك فإن VitaloTop مناسب بشكل مثالي لمراحل الإجهاد المناعي ، على سبيل المثال لدعم العلاج أثناء وبعد مرحلة المرض للحيوان الصغير. أضف 5 مل إلى 1 لتر من ماء الشرب 2-3 مرات في الأسبوع. رج العبوة جيدًا قبل الاستخدام! ملاحظة: هذا المنتج يحتوي على الفلفل الحار. تجنب ملامسة العينين والأغشية المخاطية الأخرى. الحفاظ على المنتج بعيدا عن متناول الأطفال
Muscle function, fitness and love of flight. The primary ingredient for Carni-speed is L-Carnitine. This vitamin-like substance plays an essential role in the process of burning fats and extracting energy in pigeons. The pigeons get their needs from this necessary substance, by mixing 10 milliliters in a liter of water from Carney-Speed, which is the scientific amount tested by the pigeons. Furthermore, the product has the two main substances, magnesium and selenium, during the work of umbrellas, so a longer period of training in sedation and the love of pigeons for flying are observed.
Supporting the digestive process Hatching and rearing during the molting period Hessechol is a mixture of the sulfur amino acids methionine, sorbitol and choline. Methionine is an essential component of bird's feathers and is very important for healthy plumage growth during the molt period.
For good health, drinking water quality, metabolic efficiency, Avidress Plus contains short-chain acid-chain compounds that reduce the pH level in drinking water by adding only a small amount of it, thus reducing the risk of infection and bacteria transmission and reproduction through the water. It also contains various minerals and trace elements, as well as marjoram and cinnamon.
Gut health, drinking water quality, metabolic efficacy Avitestin is a mixture of butyric acid and short and moderate chain fatty acids. This product lowers the PH level of water, thereby reducing the risk of infection.
Probiotic microflora Reduce the risk of infection Better fitness Avibac Stabilizer is a very important product for creating a stable environment and a natural environment in an atmosphere and over the surroundings of the bird by spreading probiotic bacteria through which beneficial microflora is generated in the habitat of the bathroom.
Building blood, building physical strength, improving fitness and ability to perform, Blitzform is a unique solution for Röhnfried, used to increase the performance capacity of homing pigeons during racing and at the same time to sterilize drinking water and maintain respiratory tracts. Blitzform Pletsform is used to achieve a high level of fitness in racing birds. It has been observed that birds return 5 to 10 minutes faster to their home after using the Blitzform Runfried!
Avimycin forte - 400 gm First Always White Noses Description Avimycin forte is a supplement to support and relieve the metabolism (methionine and milk thistle powder) after periods of illness and stress as well as to support the respiratory system after races and fairs. In addition to horseradish and nasturtium, it also contains milk thistle, turmeric, chili powder and methionine. Feeding recommendation 10 g per 20 pigeons on food in preparation for the season: Continuous over 7 days with Atemfrei. Post-race at the start of the week: 2-3 days Young in training: 3 times a week Young pigeons: To increase natural vitality in all stages of stress (YBS) over a period of several days. Avimycin forte can be combined with any product via feed. We recommend using it alongside Moorgold or Atemfrei. In addition, feeding can be done by combination feeding with K + K Protein 3000 after flight or RO 200 ready before flight, as well as Immunbooster for pigeons young and old.
Impurities free respiratory channels support the body's defensive function Natural herbal oils Atemfrei is an elixir of various natural herbal oils such as licorice, thyme, anise, peppermint, bisbass, or what is also called sennut, raziang or fennel
The growth of the feathers, the luster of the feathers, the help of the molt. The containment of this product on the sulfur amino acid methionine and choline makes the growth of the feathers balanced, and thus the bird gets a strong, shiny and integrated feather clothes.
UsneGano Oznegano is a powerful blend of the herb of old mane and marjoram, consisting of the juices of the medicinal herb called Usnea Barbata, as well as the sap of the marjoram herb. Natural juices contain ozonia, carvacol, and timol.
Spawning period Build muscle Cell protection Taubenfit E-50 Taubenfit E-50 A food supplement that contains vitamin E to cover the need of birds for this vitamin, especially in production birds. Its vitamin E and selenium, which are essential for the body, make it suitable for preparation until the spawning period as well as the race period.
Worms and coccidiosis, bacteria and viruses, ectoparasites, Eimeran, is a powerful, easy-to-use sterilizer for the elimination of a range of pathogens in the dwellings of large and small animals, including pigeons. This cleanser and disinfectant is intended for eliminating worm eggs, worm larvae, coccidiosis eggs, fungi, bacteria, external parasites, viruses, lice, ticks, and bed bugs.
Numerous vitamins balance the supply of vitamins Metabolism Boost Gervit-W is a multivitamin supplement provided by feed or via water. It is used throughout the year, whether during spawning and raising the level of fertilization, the molting period, the racing season or the shows, and it is also presented through feed when a lack of vitamins is observed in the pigeons.
Muscle Building Lecithin The Energie-Öl Energy-All Power Supply is a power supply made of high-quality oils extracted by cold pressing. Fish oil provides polyunsaturated fatty acids, while lecithin aids the metabolism of fats. Availability of the product on rice bran oil, which is involved in the process of stimulating the building of the bird's muscles.
Restoring fitness Providing birds with amino acids stimulates metabolism. AviPharm is used for restoring fitness and strengthening after a race. It has an essential role in detoxifying and maintaining the activity and strength of the liver. It also helps in the growth of good feathers during the molt period and in the proper growth of the molt.
Raising the level of fitness Raising the level of the immune system, trimming the small feathers, Hexenbier is an important vital element scientifically extracted from the juices of various herbs such as onions, garlic, marjoram, elderberry, echinacea mixed with honey and hebi. Strengthens the immunity of birds and increases the vitality and love of birds to fly and fly for a longer period. 4041489004918
Fertility enhancer growth enhances vitamin ADC defenses for additional supply of vitamins in the short term in preparation for breeding, during the rearing of the young, and during unfavorable seasons.
Helping weaning a supplier of minerals stabilizing the egg shell Mineraldrink provides valuable minerals for rearing pigeons and youth in times of increased need, such as laying eggs and while raising young pigeons.
Oxyzell عبارة عن خميرة عشبية سائلة تحتوي على العديد من الفيتامينات والمعادن والعناصر النزرة والأعشاب القيمة. كمية Röhnfried Oxyzell Enzym 500ml الفئات: للتربية ، للتكاثر ، الأوريجانو ، الحمام ، Röhnfried ، Röhnfried ، فيتامين - Mineralien خميرة Rhönfried Oxyzell العشبية 500 مل العلف التكميلي للحمام Oxyzell عبارة عن خميرة عشبية سائلة تحتوي على العديد من الفيتامينات والمعادن والعناصر النزرة والأعشاب القيمة. يزيد من شكل الحمام ، ويحسن نتائج التكاثر ، ويعزز تطوير جهاز المناعة الصحي في الحمام الصغير. الاستخدام الموصى به: 1 ملعقة كبيرة لكل 750 جرام من النظام الغذائي رحلات طيران: 2-3 مرات في الأسبوع مع RO 200 جاهزة تربية 3 مرات في الأسبوع مع مسحوق شبل الحمام يونغ: 2 مرات في الأسبوع مع entrobac الشتاء وماوزر:مرات في الأسبوع المكونات: بروبيلين جليكول ، خميرة وأجزاؤها ، زيوت ودهون نباتية (زيت ، زيت دوار الشمس ، 0.8٪ زيت زعتر ، أوريجانو 0.4٪) المكونات التحليلية: بروتين 6.7٪ ، 0٪ ألياف ، 35.5٪ دهون ، 80.0٪ رطوبة ، 0.00٪ صوديوم ، 0.09٪ ميثيونين ، 0.35٪ ليسين
Beer yeast, pollen, citric acid, pavifac, beer yeast, pavifac, is a natural extract that contains pollen, amino acids necessary for the regeneration and strengthening of muscle cells, citric or citric acid, minerals and trace elements, as well as highly concentrated vitamin B-B.
Bird's vitality increases productivity when spawning healthy growth OptiBreed Optiprid consists of a group of complex active substances that play a role in protein synthesis, which greatly accelerates the growth of the chicks. The rest of the essential elements in this product maintain the stability of the intestine and thus increase the strength of the bird's immune system. The other component of these components is vitamin E, which is important during spawning for both parents and chicks, which avoids the manifestations of lack of anatomy.
Stability of the gut perimeter Resilience to antibiotics stops the spread of fungi Entrobac Entrobac is a very important nutritional supplement for birds in general and racing pigeons in particular. This product contains specially formulated probiotic and prebiotic bacteria in order to facilitate the spread and livelihood of the bird's intestinal flora. Entrobac Entrobac is an essential supplement for rehabilitating the gut condition, especially after psychological and physical stress, after changing feed quality, and after treatment with medications. The selected strains of bacteria that Entropac is available with stand up to many types of antibiotics and medications, so this product is essential for building a healthy gut contour during and after drug therapy.
Immune Boosting Intestinal Health Body Building JungterPolver is characterized by its abundance of important proteins and its first formulation used to stimulate the negative and positive immune system combined with a proven gut protection system.
Multi-Protein Muscle Building Immune Strength K + K Protein 3000 K + K Protein 3000 is an easily digestible plant and animal protein with a protein content of up to 65%. Besides muscle building, K + K protein is characterized by its containment of sedimentary mineral soil and sedimentary medicinal soil that aids digestion.
Insect repellent, feather cleaning, skin cleaning, Badesalz, Badzalz, Ronfried Bath Salt. It is used at all times of the year, especially during the period of changing the feathers of birds. It helps to get rid of unwanted dust, skin debris, and small bad feathers, so that the feathers are good and the skin is clean.
Vitamins Minerals Trace Elements Topfit Spezial-Futterkalk Topfit Spezial-Futterkalk is a proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Fitness Lifting Powder, Building Strength, Boosting Performance RO 200 ready A high-quality German recipe consisting of polyvitamins (macromolecular vitamins), amino acids, electrolytes, mineral salts, energies, biological and prebiotic trace elements. These basic elements have been fitted to suit the needs of the bird to raise its level of fitness and race readiness. The available prebiotics stabilize the intestinal flora and increase the level of intestinal health.
Intestinal Purification Easy-to-use Community and Feces Moorgold Morgold is a natural center of a medicinal peat species formed from charred subterranean plants found in watered lands in temperate regions. This product contains humic acid or humic acid, the main component of humic substances, which are the main organic components of soil, peat, and charcoal. It is a complex mixture of many different acids. Humic acid blocks the harmful substances in the intestine and excretes them from the body. Morgold's new formula also contains special fibers, which make the bird's feces turn round, improve intestinal health and stimulate digestion, and this is observed after Morgold feeds for two to three days. The development of the new formula made Morgold become gelatinous and easy to use.
طرح الريش مساندة الجهاز التنفسي مزيج لأعشاب طبية تحتوي على 17 نوعًا مختلفًا من الأعشاب والشمندر ومسحوق الجزر وتوازن أو الناتجة عن التغذية بالمكونات الطبيعية. ✅الجهاز التنفسي: ممرات هوائية جيدة الصيانة لسباق الحمام ✅الهضم: مزيج الأعشاب والخضروات يدعم الجهاز الهضمي والجهاز التنفسي ويضمن وجود فضلات قوية. ✅توصيات التغذية: 1 ملعقة كبيرة ممتلئة لكل 1 كجم من العلف المبلل بالزيت (زيت الطاقة) أو دهن الأوريجانو أو المورغولد. ✅RÖHNFRIED - Röhnfried متخصصك في سباقات الحمام والدواجن يتكون Kräuter-Gemüse-Mix من 17 نوعًا مختلفًا من الأعشاب والشمندر ومسحوق الجزر. المكونات الطبيعية المتنوعة تعوض عن أو التي تسببها التغذية. يمكن أن يحدث هذا بسبب عدم قدرة الحمام على التقاط الأعشاب والدبال والتربة في الحقل بشكل مستقل وغريزي. يدعم مزيج Kräuter-Gemüse الجهاز الهضمي والجهاز التنفسي. وبالتالي ، فإنه يضمن وجود فضلات قوية ، ونزول جيد للريش ، وريش مشع ، ومسالك تنفسية معتنى بها جيدًا.
The powders are fixed on the feed gives 99% fatty energy. Marjoram and linseed oil of Oregano-Schaffett. Translating this name into Arabic means: marjoram - lamb fat. This product provides 45% of concentrated lamb fat, marjoram oil, and pure linseed, which gives the bird the highest level of energy reserve, whether during the race, training, hatching, rearing or molting period.
Flying Power Supply and Strength Mumm Collar Retrieval Mumm is an essential product for building energy materials for racing pigeons and for storing glycogen consisting of a group of carbohydrates with different combinations of each other. Through these different carbohydrates formulated, Mom gives the bird the important energy resources it needs during a great effort. Mom contributes to filling up the glycogen stores quickly when the pigeons return from the race and enables the bird to regain fitness in a short time to prevent it from feeling exhausted, which increases the risk of infection.
Intestinal health Curbing the effect of the fungi poison Immunbooster Immunbooster strengthens and activates the speed of the bird’s immune system response, thereby raising the level of strength and health of the pigeon from the inside.
Balance water distribution, work the muscles of the body, accelerate the recovery of fitness, Elektrolyt 3Plus Electrolyte 3 Plus is an excellent formulation of electrolytes based on accelerating the process of water distribution in the body after a loss of moisture. Electrolyte 3 Plus is introduced after great stress, and is soluble in drinking water as it is used when electrolytes are lost in birds in case of poisoning or diarrhea or after treatment with drugs. It works on the balance of water distribution in tissues and organs and thus speeds up the fitness regeneration process. This product is also distinguished by its containing magnesium and potassium (calium), which are important for the work of the body and heart muscles.
Antivirus Anti-bacterial Anti-fungi Anti-yeast Anti-parasite Giardia Desinfektion Pro Desinfektion Pro is a comprehensive cleanser and sanitizer that relies on sterilization against adulterated or unclean viruses, bacteria, fungi and yeasts. It is characterized by being very effective and at the same time biodegradable.
Amino Acid Vitamins, Star Anise, Blitz Maxi-Kraft is a highly concentrated natural energy supply. Contains high concentrations of pollen, fortified fungicide yeast, and true alyssum or star anise. This product gives durability and flight speed to racing pigeons especially in long distances.
For durability and balance of vitamins Flugfit Dragees contains a wide range of vitamins with high concentrations, amino acids (proteins) special and concentrated, as well as pure concentrated honey and carbohydrates. The material molecular combinations in this product make the pigeon begin to take advantage of the active ingredients hours after eating them, that is, when they are released in the race and on the way back and not immediately after eating them or in the truck while sending to the race.
Individual Bird Feeding Muscle Building Faster Chip Retrieval K + K Protein Dragees K + K Protein Dragees are concentrated, easily digestible proteins that individually feed birds for faster chip retrieval after races. K + K protein almost does not stress the metabolism process because it is easy to digest, and it also increases the level of oxygen transport to the cells of the bird's body.
Individually Supply Lifting Fitness Enhancing Performance RO 200 Tabs Premium quality tablets consisting of polyvitaminates (macromolecular vitamins), amino acids, electrolytes, mineral salts, energy substances, biological and prebiotic trace elements. These basic elements have been installed to suit the needs of the bird to increase the level of energy storage and to ensure fitness and race readiness. The available prebiotics stabilize the intestinal flora and increase the level of intestinal health.
Improves intestinal mucus, promotes good growth, healthy herbs, Taubenglück-Pillen, Taubenglück-Pillen, German black pigeon pill opens the appetite, aids in good digestion, improves the gut contours and mucus of the bird. Ronnfried German Black Pills are used to strengthen and elevate the fitness of pigeons while flying.
Decomposition of mucus Achievement of accomplishments Respiratory tract cleaning Rozitol Rozitol dissolves dust and mucus hardened in the nose of the bathroom and is excreted.
Shiny white nose, clean throat, clean throat, impurities free respiratory ducts Avisana Avizana is a cleanser for all kinds of mucus in the nose, eyes, wounds, injuries and potentially seriously affected areas of the body. It is characterized by forming a fine microflora by spreading beneficial probiotic bacteria in the respiratory system or in the place it is applied to.
Balance of minerals in the body • Increase the level of digestion • High quality of cereals • Standard-Mineral Standard-Mineral is a pure natural product. It contains all the minerals necessary for the living being, as well as trace elements, active substances and vital substances. Standard-Mineral balances nutritional deficiencies, increases digestion and stimulates metabolism. The high quality of the microbeads contained in this product makes the bathroom very accepting. It is characterized by availability of high-quality wheat and millet grains, iron and star anise oil added to the mixture of natural minerals. Method of use: Daily 1-cup or half a cup, equivalent to 140g or 70g for 80 pigeons. It is placed in a special container. Available in the Muhammad Faisal Nursery
Tobenfreund Grit. Tobenfreund Grit with star anise is a mixture of shells, quartz, and a red stone. This carefully selected and carefully studied hum makes the availability of essential minerals and calcium available during digestion for a longer period. Quartz and red stones stimulate the digestive process, and the minerals found in the shells are part of the acid-base system of pigeons. The tolerability and love of the pigeons of Taubenfreund Grit is due to the use of high-quality star anise zen and to the proportions and quality of the components of the product's composition. How to use: Leave it continuously for the bathroom to take it freely The rest must be removed after two or three days. Indication: We developed the Taubenfreund Grit after scientific research and many experiments in Germany. Breeders assured us that pigeons prefer this combination very much. We are pleased that we have achieved an important part of our goals, which is the fitness, health and happiness of your love
Darmwohl - 500 ml Oregano & Beard Promotes Digestion & Beard Growth Darmwohl consists of oregano, eucalyptus & beard with natural ingredients of xenic acid, carvacrol and thymol. The importance of these components is well known in the literature.
Strong plumage growth, bone formation and formation, good growth Zucht + Mauser-Mineral + Mauser Mineral Arabic means (breeding and hatching minerals + molting). A pure natural product that contains the oregano plant similar to thyme and contains carvacol sterilizing for the body and important medicinal and nutritious herbs such as fenugreek, mountain desert aloe plant, sage medicinal herb, thyme and syncona. Especially for spawning, breeding and molting period, this product contains amino acids (proteins), minerals and essential trace elements.