Mountain pigeon herbal mixture 250 grams (100% natural herbal mixture strengthens the immune system). For pigeons and birds Klaus Sergeantoben keeps pigeons in very good condition all year long. Due to its good composition it has a very positive effect not only on the stomach and intestines of pigeons, but also on the whole organism. Provides trace elements, minerals, amino acids and vitamins very important to your bath. Indications: - Helps to perform throughout the year. Thanks to its refined formula, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, and acts as a regulator of the body and metabolism. It supplies the body with trace elements, minerals, amino acids and vitamins, which enhances the body's natural absorption.
Complementary feed for racing pigeons is a solution of essential mineral salts and trace elements, as well as high-energy polysaccharides. It is designed according to scientific standards and is intentionally kept "low chloride". This versatile and balanced formula eliminates electrolyte deficiencies caused by stressful flight or illness and ensures a balance of pigeon body fluids.
The winning pigeon WU-PU is a mixture of ground herbs, seeds, fruits, nuts, essential oils, bitter substances and vitamins that, in addition to their digestive properties, have beneficial and anthelmintic effects. Thus WU-PU promotes digestion and feed conversion. WU-PU should be used shortly before the start of reproduction, travel and moulting. In addition to fighting intestinal parasites, it has a stimulating effect on intestinal activity.
Klaus Winning Turmeric Powder 350g Anti-inflammatory Digestive Prevention of Coccidiosis Turmeric powder contains the active ingredient curcumin, which gives the powder its yellow color. In addition to its digestive properties, this substance also has anti-inflammatory properties. These properties of turmeric root are ideal for preventing disease and loss of performance. With the addition of turmeric powder, you actively support the cardiac function of pregnant pigeons and restore overused joints. Class of animals or species: pigeon Type of forage: supplementary feed
Klaus Sigertauben Jet 2000/20, 300gr, (Improve metabolism and racing condition). Racing pigeons Indications: - Increases resistance - Improves fitness - Enhances metabolism - Improves blood oxygenation and oxygen absorption structure: - Iron - Iodine - Cobalt - Molybdenum - Manganese - Zinc Instructions: - Racing season: every day except for delivery day: 1 Ml per liter of water or 1 kg of food - during breeding and young birds, twice a week Dosage FORMAT: - Bottle of 300 ml
Klaus Siegertauben Vita-Blut-Extra Tablets 350-Piece Supplementary Fodder for Pigeons Vita-Blut-Extra raises and strengthens pigeons, as well as improves the condition and performance of pigeon rearing and racing. Instructions for use: During the flight, the pigeons receive one or two pills per meal after returning and the next day. Young animals are regularly given two Vitablut "Extra" pills every 2-3 days after weaning in the nest.
Klaus Victory for pigeon diarrhea 100 tablets Dari pills regulate bowel movement and reduce water loss. The excrement becomes solid and further diarrhea of racing pigeons is avoided. Feeding recommendation: To promote regular digestion and even solid excreta, insert 2 pills directly into the beak for 3-5 days in the morning and in the evening. Animal or species class: pigeon Feed type: supplementary feed Composition: carob, rib seed husk, oak bark, lecithin, calcium carbonate, charcoal Analytical ingredients: Crude ash 12.6% crude fiber 19.3% crude fat 6.6% crude protein 2.7% sodium 0.3% Methionine 0.02% Lysine 0.06%
Klaus Electrolyte-B is specially designed for medium and long distances and hot-season racing. For racing pigeons indications: - Ensures complete recovery of the body after flights - Shortens the recovery period after the flight - Prevents dehydration - Very beneficial for the growth of chicks and breeding The composition: - Electrolyte - Electrolyte - P - Iron - Cobalt - Copper - Manganese - Zinc - Selenium -
العلف التكميلي لحمام السباق يحتوي مسحوق GeNies على جميع الأحماض الأمينية الأساسية المهمة ، ومن خلال إضافة المواد الفعالة الأيضية والفيتامينات والعناصر النزرة ، يحسن قيمة علف الحبوب ويحسن تحويل الأعلاف. يعزز مسحوق GeNies التطور الإيجابي للحمام الصغير وبالتالي يُعطى بانتظام للتربية وصغار الحمام. يمكن أن تدار من خلال العلف وكذلك من خلال مياه الشرب. - تكوين تحلل الكولاجين من مسحوق سكر الحليب - مكونات تحليلية بروتين خام 50٪ ، ألياف خام 1٪ ، دهون خام 1٪ ، رماد خام 6٪ ، صوديوم 0.3٪ ، ميثيونين 0.7٪ ، ليسين 1.6٪ - المضافات فيتامين أ (إي 672) 150.000 وحدة دولية ، فيتامين د 3 (إي 671) 15000 وحدة دولية ، أ توكوفيرول أسيتات 180 مجم - أثر العناصر حديد 100 مجم ، نحاس 10 مجم ، منجنيز 600 مجم ، زنك 400 مجم نظرًا لارتفاع محتوى الفيتامينات ، يمكن إطعام هذه العلف فقط لحمام السباق بنسبة تصل إلى 5٪ من إجمالي الحصة. - توصية التغذية يجب إعطاء مسحوق GeNies يوميًا ، على الأقل كل 2-3 أيام. يحصل الحمام على تربية وصغار الحمام 5 جم لكل لتر أو 10 جم لكل كجم من العلف مع المزيج اليومي ، وإذا تم إعطاء المستحضر كل 2-3 أيام ، فإن الحمام يحصل على 10 جم لكل لتر من الماء أو 20 جم لكل كجم من العلف.
Klaus Trevit Forte Energeticum 250gr (Extra Energy). Racing Pigeons Description: Trevit Forte is a combination of effective energy sources from the nutritious carbohydrate group. This product combines valuable sugar compounds (monosaccharides, disaccharides and small sugars) with the most important components of natural honey. Managed after a flight, this setup balances the home energy of the bathroom. Trevit Forte is administered into drinking water. Indications: - Provides energy to the muscles - Improves physical performance - Increases energy reserves in the body - Accelerates the recovery process after difficult flights
Klaus Trevit 250gr, supplement to restore performance and performance from 100% natural ingredients. For the bath Indications: - Rejuvenates the body after flights - Increases resistance - Maintains an active and healthy bath - Keeps the bath in top shape for a longer period - Promotes the formation of new feathers: - Minerals - Honey - Dextrose
- Amino E, B12 + C is a building and conditioning preparation. It serves to quickly replenish and improve the condition of the contest bathroom. It has a stimulating effect on the breeding of pigeons in the preparation stage of breeding. It can be ingested through food as well as through drinking water. Animal class or species: pigeon Feed type: supplementary feed Composition: Dextrose Milk Sugar Powder Whey Protein Powder Collagen Hydrolysis Analytical Ingredients: Protein, Crude 22% Fat, Crude 1% Raw Ash 1.3% Crude Fiber 1% Lysine 2.1% Methionine 2% Sodium 0.3%
Vitamin-packed pigeons are a concentrated vitamin with 18 vitamins for racing pigeons. Victory Pigeon Vitamina is a tried and tested racing pigeon concentrate, preventing symptoms of vitamin deficiency and increasing the performance of carrier pigeons. Nutrition recommendation: Vitamina can be given via drinking water or cereal feed. 5 ml (1 teaspoon) should be mixed with 0.5 liters of water and taken daily from Monday to Friday if the vitamin requirements are particularly high. With normal requirements, 5 ml per liter of water 3 times a week is sufficient. Composition: sodium chloride, calcium chloride
Tea for racing pigeons Airline tea to enhance the well-being of homing pigeons when they return from heavy flights or are forced to spend a long time in closed cages or lofts. Herbs with specific properties have a beneficial and relaxing effect on the upper airways. Several herbs and teas have been shown to be beneficial for colds and physical discomfort. The positive effects of natural products are often excellent. "Airlines tea" is the result of the experience of successful pigeon fanciers. Composition / ingredients: a mixture of aromatic substances, nettle leaves, lemon balm leaves, chamomile flowers, field horsetail, thyme, report, sage leaves, aged flowers, rose hips and anise. Analytical ingredients: crude protein 13.4%, crude fiber 17.5%, crude fat 5.4%, crude ash 9.7% , Sodium 0.1%, Methionine 0.2%, Lysine
Tricom Mauser Help-Klaus contains methionine, lysine, calcium, Vitamin A, D3, E, K, and several B complex vitamins. The intended use of "Tricom Mauser Fluid" is possible to improve the supply of amino acids with an indication of the methionine content in wheat from 66% to 80%. Similar improvements have also been achieved in lysine, calcium, and some important vitamins. This estimate has much more significance as it reveals the numerical value of growth. It is important that the preparation is used regularly. Product Description: The Tricom Mauser Aid Dietary Supplement (liquid) is structurally excellent, effective and productive. Tricom Mauser Help (liquid) may be given via drinking water or food. Regular foraging reduces feather growth failure. Tricom Mauser Supplemental Liquid contains high content of methionine, lysine, available calcium, and several vitamins. Elegant plumage is a prerequisite for excellent flight performance in the upcoming season. Feeding note:
Lime pigeons for breeding and racing and liming pigeons. An excellent winner bath grit composition for pigeons. In addition to calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and sodium, it also contains iodine, iron, zinc, calcium carbonate composition, magnesium calcium carbonate, calcium sodium phosphate, calcium phosphate, quartz granules, sodium chloride - analytical components calcium 29%, phosphorus 1%, sodium 0.6%, acid Hydrochloric Ash Insoluble 20%:
The composition of pigeon baking is excellent for a bath. In addition to calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and sodium, it also contains iodine, iron, and zinc. Metal food for race birds 6 pieces