For the prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases (including salmonella and adeno coli) in cage birds. A very wide range of excellent spectrum antibiotics for treating intestinal infections specially formulated for parrot Contains range of antibiotics and vitamins Available size: 100g
Doxybiotic-S by Medpet for the treatment of respiratory diseases and bacterial infections in young birds Doxycycline is the gold standard in treating respiratory diseases and bacterial infections in young birds The easy-to-use formula makes this product ideal for use in birds. Add vitamins and dextrose to enhance recovery. High palatability guarantees adequate quantity. it contains: . Doxycycline 1,250 mg / kg. Vit A 10,000 IU / kg. Vit B1 12.5 mg / kg. Vit B2 12.5 mg / kg. Vit B6 12.5 mg / kg. Vit E 33 IU / kg. Vit K 40 IU / kg. Lactose 24.25g / kg. Dextrose 24.25g / kg Treatment Dose: Use only as directed. Add 5gr to 1 liter of drinking water for 5-7 days in a row. Change the therapeutic water daily. Size: Box of 50gr
Indications: - Helps to form new feathers during molting season - Reduces feather fall - Provides brightness, flexibility and luster to the feathers. Contains a high content of vitamin B12, the purest form for birds. Usage: 1 ml in 100 ml of water. Form: - 200 ml bottle
A; Calci Bird Vitamin B Magnesium Calcium Vitamin D3 Minerals A ready source of absorbable calcium essential for: - egg shell and bone formation - muscle and nerve function - for the treatment of rickets, sprained legs, fractures, and birds associated with eggs. Contains calcium borogluconate, the preferred calcium for bird supplement. A highly soluble liquid solution in water in addition to drinking water. Instructions for use: Treating the herd: Add 20 ml to 1 liter of drinking water 3 times a week when pigeons or birds are reproducing. Packaging: 250 ml bottle
A blend of the finest fortified natural oils of garlic and evening primrose oil. The most complete oily supplement ever formulated for pigeons and birds. The beneficial effects of evening primrose oil are well used in this wonderful oil supplement.
A powerful tonic and strong antioxidant with strong efficacy It is considered a nutritional supplement and a biological stimulant that helps in the treatment of viral diseases. - Salmonella - and diseases that affect the respiratory system in pigeons and can be used for all types of pigeons and pet birds
مسحوق Tylobiotic لسباق الحمام والطيور Tylobiotic هو علاج مضاد للجراثيم فريد من نوعه وضعت خصيصا للاستخدام في الحمام لعلاج الميكوبلازم. إنه مزيج مثالي من المضادات الحيوية وفيتامين لتحقيق فوائد مضاعفة. العلاج الفموي لا يقاوم فقط الالتهابات البكتيرية ، ولكنه يساعد الطيور والحمام أيضًا على الاسترخاء في ظروف الإجهاد. إنه مفيد للغاية أثناء موسم التكاثر والسباق عندما تكون مستويات الإجهاد عالية ويكون حدوث الإصابات أكثر شيوعًا. أنها آمنة تماما مع عدم وجود خطر من جرعة زائدة في الحالات العرضية. Tylobiotic لسباق الحمام والطيور المحبوس Tylobiotic هو مضاد حيوي وفيتامين. أنه يحتوي على المكونات الرئيسية مثل Tylosine ، فيتامين: A ، D3 ، K3 ، E ، B1 ، B2 ، B6 ، B12 ، نيكوتيناميد والكالسيوم. يعالج التيلوسين العدوى البكتيرية مثل الميكوبلازم ويحمي الطيور من الأمراض القاتلة. تم تطوير Tylobiotic بشكل فريد بتركيبة خاصة بحيث يتم تقليل خطر الجرعة الزائدة مع Tylocin تمامًا. تساعد الكمية الإضافية من الفيتامينات الموجودة في المستحضر الطيور على التغلب على التوتر أثناء موسم السباق والتكاثر.
A new and effective product for the treatment of Trichomoniasis, Kinker The gizzard The product is a liquid substance that makes it an effective treatment and the product contains the substance Niteronidazole, which makes it safe for use even during the race period
A miraculous and effective group of vitamins, minerals and supplements to treat iron deficiency in pigeons and the rest of the bird species.
Factor 5 from a South African company is a completely new and unique combination treatment used against several types of diseases as a powerful treatment or as a preventive measure against Mycoplasma, Canker (Trichomonas), Coccidiosis, Worms and Hairworm (Capillaria) and against respiratory diseases and the type of Samonella
An effective and special treatment for respiratory diseases and inflammation of the single eye. It contains doxycycline, a quick and effective treatment in the form of pills, which is easy to administer to the bath orally directly
The definitive treatment is a single dose of trichomoniasis (Konqueror) in pigeons and birds of prey. Metronidazole, the active ingredient in Meditrich, is one of the safest and most effective treatments against trichomoniasis in pigeons and birds metronidazole is insoluble in water and causes severe reflux if taken in its pure form Metronidazole's unique "cellulose film" eliminates all these problems. One bath tablet will treat trichomoniasis.
Special pills for the treatment of 4 essential diseases in pigeons Kinker's disease (trichomoniasis) -alicole salmonella-coccidiosis The treatment is a pill from what is easy to use directly in the mouth of the bathroom
Deworming in the bathroom, large-scale deworming tablets. Mediworm is single, well-known in the world. Highly effective against roundworm, silkworm and tapeworm. Very safe for feathers and it is very economical. The small size of the device makes it easy to be the gold standard in deworming.
For the prevention and treatment of Candida (Trichomonas) in pigeons and birds. Description: - The only powder for pigeons and birds in the world. Eliminates the effects of trichomoniasis - Ease of administration on food and ideal for fowl doses - It can be used prophylactically against Candida and fungi. Dosage: - Pigeon: Mix 5 grams. (One stacked scale included) with 1 kg of pills for 5-7 days. The pills are mixed with a light oil to allow the medystatin to stick to the pills. - 100g
Description Help stimulate fertility and body condition in males. Easy to dose, highly effective Vitamin H. It is invaluable to help stimulate fertility in old males. Promotes maximum performance and quick recovery after racing. Ingredients (each tablet contains): - Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E) 150 mg - Creatine 50 mg - Magnesium Sulfate (Mg) 5 mg Instructions for use: As an aid in increasing fertility: Dose 1 tablet to males sterile for 5 continuous days three times a week During the breeding season. Size: 100 tablets
Tylodox is another highly effective respiratory treatment that is used in all pigeons. Each 5 grams contains: Doxycycline Hydrochloride - 250 mg Tylosine Tylosin - 1000mg Other Ingredients: Vitamin A Vitamin E 12mg Vitamin B1 2.5mg Vitamin B2 3.3mg Vitamin B6 2.5mg Vitamin K3 7.5mg Dosage: 5 grams per 2 liters of drinking water for one 3-7 consecutive days. Change the water daily. For very severe cases, one Doxybird tablet (daily) should be given for 7 days together with Tylodox. Size: 100 gm
Medi-Brew, a 100% natural product based on 16 selected herbs with very beneficial properties for the pigeon organism Indication, strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of diseases, has antioxidant properties, promotes blood circulation, favors digestion, contributes to the proper functioning of the liver, which helps eliminate toxins From the body, it is a natural anti-inflammatory. It has diuretic properties. It favors breathing. Purify the blood. It is an anti-parasite. Devil's claw - turmeric How to use and dosage: 5 grams of the herb per liter of boiling water. FORMAT 300 gr bowl
Four in one treatment powder for salmonella, kinker, coccidiosis, and especially e-coli Composition: Furaltadone 20%, Ronidazole 7%
A water-soluble vitamin that contains several minerals and electrolytes to correct the balance after returning from exercise and racing, to restore the strength of the bath after stress and muscle spasms.
A broad-spectrum water-soluble antibiotic used to treat a wide range of bacterial diseases in pigeons and birds. It contains a combination of amoxicillin, which makes it unique for treating infections that threaten pigeons and also contains antibiotics to reduce the infection of several diseases, including salmonella and y coli. It contains a group of vitamins
A mixture for the treatment of kinkor disease The pigeons have a special and effective treatment for kinker disease and capillaries
A powerful tonic and powerful antioxidant with strong efficacy It is considered a food supplement and bio-stimulant and helps in the treatment of viral diseases
The coximide product from the South African company is the ultimate treatment for coccidiosis in pigeons, as the product contains diclazuril, the active ingredient for coccidiosis in homing pigeons, and the product is considered safe for pigeons in the racing season.
Vitaton 34 Dietary Supplement is one of the best dietary supplements for total bird care offered regularly and regularly. If you are providing the food supplement after the bird comes out of the disease or after it comes out of the feather change: One tablespoon per liter of water for 5 days. (The spoon is sold with him and you can find it inside the box)
Speed Plus 200g Medbit, Vitamin B complex, L-Carnitine and Bangamaze Sour powder together, to stimulate racing performance in the spa. Proven to increase racing performance in a healthy pigeon, especially if combined with a high-fat diet. Made with the purest ingredients. Indications: - To improve performance naturally by converting fat energy reserves into a sustainable supply of beneficial energy for the flight muscles. Helps improve stamina by improving energy supply to muscles. Speed-Plus reduces post-race recovery time and limits muscle damage.
Entero Plus by Medpet, made specifically for bird species, is a natural stimulant for your intestinal flora. A unique combination of bird breed from the intestinal natural flora along with the intestine. It will increase vitality, fertility, and performance by preventing harmful viruses and bacteria in the pigeons (and birds) gut. Indications: - Increases vitality - Rejuvenates intestinal flora - Enhances fertility. Use and dosage: - May be added to drinking water or to food. It is recommended that pigeons or birds that are treated with any of the antibiotics, are also treated with Medpet ENTERO-PLUS for the duration of the antibiotic treatment. It is given two to three times per week on a regular basis to improve its beneficial effects. My routine: - In water mix one tablespoon in 1 liter of water, three times a week. In food, pre-moisten the pills with Plume-Plus by MedPet and follow mixing one measuring spoon per kilogram of grains.
A water-soluble drug used to treat gus disease (trichomoniasis) in pigeons. A strong effective treatment with a safe bath formula
. Vitamins. Mineral elements. Amino acids for pigeons and cage birds. To treat the herd. The perfect blend of a very wide range of elements. Pioneer in supplementing pigeons and birds during molting and breeding season. The ultimate feather enhancer for birds. Ingredients Allicin 0.1g Methionine 0.1g Vitamin A Vitamin D3 Folic Acid Niacin Choline Vitamin B12 Calcium Sodium Magnesium Zinc Method of Use One tablespoon in 2 liters of water
New and improved formula with high strength: to treat birds from respiratory infections and bacterial infections in pigeons and cage birds. Doxycycline is the gold standard in the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections. Vitamins included in the formula to promote recovery. Can be used in water or soft food. In confirmed cases of Vitiligo Cancer, the treatment should be administered for 40 days and supplemented with Entero-Plus three times per week to replace the beneficial intestinal flora. Safe to use, even for long periods. Available sizes: 50g, 200g,
BABATH SALTS by MedPet is a mixture of salts to improve feathers in pigeons, or as a spray for pigeons and birds. Cleanses and improves feather quality, prevents dandruff and feather loss. Composition: * A mixture of salts to clean and improve blades. * Contains potassium permanganate as a sanitation and cleansing aid. Indication and dosage: - It may be used in a spray bottle to help prevent and treat feather picking in birds. - Add 5 g in 10 liters of water, use as a basin once a week. Size: 300 gm
B12 Elixer by Medpet, a vitamin B12 supplement for racing pigeons and birds. Indications: - High strength, Vitamin B12 specially formulated for use in pigeons and birds. - Only the purest vitamin B12 is used in the formula and therefore a high quality product. Dosage: - Add 20 ml per liter of drinking water for three days before the race. Packaging: - 500 ml bottle
Indications: - Ensures energy and muscle strength to race over a continuous period - follows nutritional principles to supply energy in combination with appropriate vitamins, minerals, amino acids, creatine, L-Carnitine, L Lysine, Co Enzyme Q10 and other ingredients - Improves liver function to maximize Energy use - antioxidants help prevent muscle damage - toxic side effects are kept to a minimum. Composition: - mono-carbohydrate, - medium and complex starches, sugars and oligo-sugars. - Citric acid - Fats - Saturated and unsaturated oils, Omega 3 and 6. - Amino acid - Creatine - Coenzyme Q10 - L-Carnitine - L-Lysine - Vitamin A, E, C and K - Organic Selenium, - Chromium
Medizole Powder Information - Trichomoniasis Treatment for Pigeons and Birds Medizole is a special oral formulation for treating trichomoniasis (kinkers) in pigeons and caged birds. Powder-based treatment is very effective against various infections, including trichomoniasis, hexabromobiasis, and giardiasis in pigeons and cage birds. It is easy to dose and is especially recommended for use during the breeding season. Medizole is a water soluble treatment for pigeons and birds cage. It contains high quality Ronidazole ingredients. Active ingredient - Runidazole works against various infections and maintains the health of pigeons especially during the breeding season. Water soluble powder is well accepted without any side effects. Safe for use in the breeding season, Medizole is suitable for racing pigeons as runidazole ingredients
Description for treating bacterial infections, including salmonella and ichthyosis in pigeons removes salmonella and ichthyosis. . Very safe and easy to dose. An effective, broad-spectrum antibiotic. The composition (5 grams contains): 400 mg trimethoprim dosage and administration :. Use only as directed, the therapeutic water must be changed daily. Add 5 g to 2 liters of drinking water for 5 days. . In the case of salmonella. Size: 100 gm
Prescribe a combination of antibiotics to treat mycoplasma and a wide variety of bacterial infections in pigeons and birds. A combination of antibiotics is a valuable tool in the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of upper respiratory tract infections. Including mycoplasma. Very safe. It can be used routinely once a month during the race season to prevent upper respiratory tract diseases, such as "saliva or phlegm in the throat." . formation: . Amoxicillin Trihydrate 5% m / m. Tylosin Tartrate 10% m / m Treatment Dose :. Use only as directed. . Add 5 g (1 spoon scale)) to 1 liter of drinking water for 3-5 consecutive days. . Change the treated water daily. Treat it once a month during the racing season, or after each injury. Sizes: 200g * Note: Not for animals intended for human consumption *
Description Treats / aichole / alkoxidosis / salmonella Composition:. Trimethoprim (20%). Sulfaquinoxsalen (13%). Inactive ingredients to 100 g Dosage and Administration :. Mix 1 teaspoon to 1 four liters of drinking water for 5 to 7 consecutive days. . This treatment may be repeated, if needed, after a few days. Advise: Vitamins and probiotics should be given to your birds for at least 1 day after taking the medication. Do not give day shipping. Ensure that no other water is available during the treatment. Size: 100 gm
Description of the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in pigeons and cage birds. Sulfonamide is highly effective and safe especially for treating pigeons and cage birds. It is less likely to have any side effects on birds than other sulfonamides. - An easily dissolved, well tolerated and water soluble powder. - Grade 1 Sulfadimethoxine used for formulation. Mixes well with Mediprim for treating coccidiosis, salmonella (Paratyphoid) and E. coli. Composition (each contains 100 grams) :. Sulfadimethoxine 25m Sodium Anhydrous Dosage and Administration :. Use only as directed. . Add 4 g (1 full scoop) to 2 liters of drinking water for 3-5 days. . New solutions have to be made daily. Volume: 100g powder Note: During the treatment period, birds should not be allowed to drink from other sources. It is advisable not to participate in races while treating pigeons. * Notice: Not for animals intended for human consumption *
Emtryl Soluble from MedPet is a powder in water for treating trichomoniasis in the shower. Easy-to-dose powder is soluble in water. Highly effective .. Indications: * Emetril has become the primary product in the treatment and prevention of trichomoniasis in the bathroom. * Easy-to-dose powder, pigeon-acceptable * The ready-made solution maintains its activity for at least 3 days. * The most effective treatment available Composition: - Dimetridazole B, Ph (veterinary) 40% m / m powder Dosage and method of use: - Dissolve in drinking water at a rate of 3 grams per 2 liters and apply for 7 days. Remove other drinking water sources while taking Emtril. Size: 50g
Recommended for use on mites, lice, flies, spiders, ants, or in whatever situation external parasites are a problem, including nest boxes, flights, perches, bird floors, indoor cages and for direct application to birds. Key Features: Immediate contact pest control with additional residual protection for 6 weeks. Penetrates bird feathers to kill mites and lice under the feathers and on the skin. 100% safe to use on all birds. Directions: Use 50 ml in 1 liter. Shake well before use. Ready for use: spray directly on the bird, after 30-40 cm from the bird. Spray the cage, perch, and nest boxes well. A single spray should provide up to six weeks of protection. Active ingredients: piperonyl butoxide, permethrin, methoprene Size: 250 ml
Description Avisol solution - for treating infectious cold and coccidiosis in poultry and pigeons. Appropriately diluted, it is easily absorbed by all birds in regular drinking water and can be used for extended periods without harmful effects. The composition contains sulfathiazole 20% m / m. It is a 35% m / m solution of a neutral, soluble sulfathisole derivative. Usage: 1 ml in 1 liter display bottles of 100 ml
MedPet's Winning Tonic is a supplement vitamin stimulant to improve performance. A well-known vitamin stimulant. Boosts bathroom performance with regular use. Composition: - Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) - Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - Calcium Pantothenate - Nicotinamide - Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) Dosage: - 1 teaspoon (2 teaspoons / 10 ml) per liter of water at least 4 times a week . Packaging: Bottle of 500 ml
Tri-Cure Tap is a combination of therapies used to treat kinkers (trichomoniasis) and coccidiosis / and worms, and treats hairworms, tapeworms, worms, and round or snail pigeons. Racing pigeons treat all of this in the form of a single pill.
Description of a supplement of vitamins, minerals and trace elements for routine use in pigeons and cage birds. The most popular vitamin supplement for pigeons from Medbit South Africa. Combines the perfect balance of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in an affordable water-soluble powder. Routine use is recommended to improve performance and breeding outcomes. Recommended as an adjunct to antibiotic therapy. Composition: Vitamin C Vitamin E is a specific blend of mega vitamins to stimulate the immune system and fight stress. DOSAGE AND TREATMENT: Add 5 g (1 level gauge (included)) to 1 liter of drinking water for 7 consecutive days. Administration should begin immediately after the course of antibiotics and can continue up to the day before the basket. Mineral / vitamin preparations (except iron) may be added.