Taubenfreid grit mit anes

Tobenfreund Grit. Tobenfreund Grit with star anise is a mixture of shells, quartz, and a red stone. This carefully selected and carefully studied hum makes the availability of essential minerals and calcium available during digestion for a longer period. Quartz and red stones stimulate the digestive process, and the minerals found in the shells are part of the acid-base system of pigeons. The tolerability and love of the pigeons of Taubenfreund Grit is due to the use of high-quality star anise zen and to the proportions and quality of the components of the product's composition. How to use: Leave it continuously for the bathroom to take it freely The rest must be removed after two or three days. Indication: We developed the Taubenfreund Grit after scientific research and many experiments in Germany. Breeders assured us that pigeons prefer this combination very much. We are pleased that we have achieved an important part of our goals, which is the fitness, health and happiness of your love


Size: *
  • 5kg
  • 25kg

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