Complementary feed for racing pigeons is a solution of essential mineral salts and trace elements, as well as high-energy polysaccharides. It is designed according to scientific standards and is intentionally kept "low chloride". This versatile and balanced formula eliminates electrolyte deficiencies caused by stressful flight or illness and ensures a balance of pigeon body fluids.
Sugar. Minerals, 94% moisture
- Ingredients
Total Sugar 3%, Potassium 0.35%, Calcium 0.01%, Phosphorus 0.01%, Sodium 0.24%, Magnesium 0.01%.
Iron 400 mg, Iodine 306 mg, Cobalt 25 mg, Copper 48 mg, Manganese 91 mg, Zinc 91 mg
Nutrition Instructions
Before introduction and after reintroduction, about 15 ml of tricum per liter of water. 20 ml per liter of water once a week during breeding.